You can turn your opinions into rewards
How it works
Sign up an account for free
Fill out a few quick questions about yourself

Take simple surveys
Answer surveys waiting for you and earn points easily
Get your rewards
Exchange points for rewards you like

Here are the rewards you can get

Starting from S$5

Dairy Farm Group e-voucher
Starting from S$5

Grab Transport
Starting from S$5
Why join Rakuten Insight?
Rakuten Insight is a global survey company with over 2 million members worldwide. We pay for every completed surveys. Numerous members are getting cash & vouchers from us every single month.
What our members said
"What I like about this platform is that it’s super easy to use and I get to exchange my opinions for cash or vouchers. So far I have redeemed 10 vouchers amounting up to S$500!" - Alicia
"I’ve been a member of Rakuten Insight since March 2020 and have earned about S$150+ ". - Cindy
"I’m pretty happy joining Rakuten Insight because I received quite a number of surveys that allow me to earn the points. I recommended it to a few of my friends and they love it very much too". - Jaren
"Rakuten Insight is a perfect and trusted survey site and the staffs here are very nice! I highly recommended!". - Steph